From Within - A blog by Nourage

The #1 Cause of Hair Loss May Not Be What You Think

National Hair Loss Awareness Month: Everything you need to know August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month, and while it’s nice to highlight a widespread, yet taboo subject, we know that the emotional challenges associated with hair loss last year round. When it comes to hair loss, there is a lot of misinformation floating around the internet, so here is our no-bull take on things. When talking about hair loss, most tend to think it is a male dominated issue. While there is some truth to that; men do tend to suffer from it more, women are not off the hook. Here are some of the figures. Two out of three guys will start to lose their hair by 35....

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The Beauty of Protein

The remedy to healthy hair, skin and nails  One of the best remedies for dry skin, dull hair and brittle nails might already be in your cupboards! No, it’s not another cream, powder or soap. It’s some of your favorite foods, and maybe some new ones you’ll love and that will love you back, giving you a healthy glow! We’re talking about protein! Protein is one of the three main macronutrients that make up all foods, the other two being fat and carbohydrates. Each of the three have specific and important roles in the body and protein is the foundation. Protein is the building block of ALL organs, muscles, skin and even hormones so the body needs plenty of it...

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3 DIY Masks to Make at Home

Now is a great time to pamper yourself and show yourself some self-love! With the extra time we all now have at home, why not whip up one of these easy DIY masks to use in conjunction with your daily Nourage hair, skin, & nail supplements? Moisturizing Hair Mask: - 1/2 cup honey - 2 tbsp olive oil - 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil   Steps: Combine all ingredients together in a bowl then massage from scalp to the ends. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then follow with your normal shampoo and conditioner.    Benefits: Honey has antibacterial and antioxidant properties which can gently yet thoroughly cleanse the hair and scalp. Olive oil is rich in fatty acids which condition...

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Complete Guide to a Perfect At-Home Spa Day 

There’s no better way to relax and unwind than a day, or evening, of self care. As a matter of fact, it’s essential in order to maintain a healthy mind and body. You don’t even need to go anywhere extravagant or spend a fortune. You can have the most fabulous day of self-care right at the comfort of your own home to work in conjunction with your Nourage Supplements. So sit back, relax and read our complete guide to a perfect at-home spa day. Clean and Organize First things first, you want to get all the cleaning out of the way. You definitely don't want to worry about cleaning up while you're in the middle of pampering yourself! Make sure everything is...

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Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Your immune system works hard fighting diseases which is why it’s crucial to keep it strong and help protect your body from bacteria and viruses. The older you get the harder it becomes for your immune system to fight infections, however the simplest changes to our daily routine can make a big difference. There is no better time than now to make sure you're doing all you can to keep your body as healthy as possible in conjunction with your Nourage Supplements. Healthy Hygiene Practicing good hygiene to help boost your immune system is definitely no surprise. It’s the first line of defense is to keep germs away. Not only can you stop infection before it begins, but you can avoid spreading it to others...

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5 Tips for Stronger Nails

Weak, brittle nails can be frustrating––and even painful! We’d all love to have strong, healthy nails, but everyday activities can cause dryness and breakage. Fortunately, there are 5 easy changes you can make to support healthier, stronger nails.  1. Moisturize  Keeping your hands and cuticles moisturized is essential for maintaining healthy nails. It’s helpful to keep hand lotion readily available and apply it after washing your hands. It’s especially critical to apply lotion or cuticle oil after using drying products like acetone or hand sanitizer that contains alcohol. These products cause brittleness and breakage, but moisturizing afterwards and on a consistent basis can repair damage and nourish your nails.  2. Give your nails a break A perfect manicure looks great...

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What Causes Gray Hair?

Old age isn’t always the reason why gray hair start coming in. Gray hair is actually different than pigmented hair. Your hair follicles generate color through pigment cells that make melanin, a dark biological pigment found in skin, hair, and eyes. As you age, these cells start to die, but they can die out sooner than others depending on a several factors. You have to factor in health, genetics, and medical conditions but many of these situations can be prevent. Gray hair can be a big wake up call for some but luckily there are way to postpone the process.  Genetics  Gray hair typically comes down to your genetics. If your parents started going gray at the age of 30, chances are you...

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How To Create Your Best Skin Care Regimen 

Everyday your skin is exposed to dirt, oil, and other unwanted debris that can lead to serious skin problems if not properly taken care of. Your epidermis (the outermost layer of your skin) is protective layer that fights against the environment and it's important to keep it strong and healthy. This is why it's crucial to build a skincare routine that works well with you specific skin type. We all have different skin types and our own little quirks, so your skincare routine is something personal, however, there are 3 steps that are crucial to maintaining a healthy and clear complexion: Cleansing, Toning, then Moisturizing (and it should always be done in this order). Cleanse This is the most crucial step –– washing...

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5 Reasons Your Hair is Falling Out

Hair loss can be the result of many different factors––medical, hormonal, environmental, etc. Whatever the cause, experiencing hair loss can be scary, and it may indicate underlying medical or nutritional problems. Although hair loss is often temporary, it’s important to identify the cause in order to choose the right treatment and restore hair growth. Keep reading for 5 causes of hair loss and how to treat them! 1. Medical conditions  Medical conditions that cause hair loss include alopecia areata, which causes sudden hair loss in patches, scalp infections like ringworm, and iron-deficiency anemia. However, the most common cause is hereditary: male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness. These conditions occur with aging and result in receding hairlines in men and hair thinning...

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Meet Aimee! #GetToKnowYourCustomerDay

We love learning about different people's hair journeys and it's even more special to us when we are a part of it. So, in honor of #GetToKnowYourCustomerDay we got to know our lovely customer, Aimee, as she gave a glimpse of her hair care routine, tips and more! "Before Nourage, I was always in search of any way to give my hair volume." What hairstyle makes you feel most confident? I’m most confident when my hair is styled half up half down with big, loose curls. I feel like I can take on the world!  What is your go-to hairstyle? I typically blow dry it straight if I’ve just hopped out of the shower. But if I haven’t washed my hair in a couple...

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Surprising Things You Didn't Know Were Bad For Your Hair

There are many common mistakes people make that can stop your hair from growing as long and luscious as you'd like, some things you may not have realized are damaging to your hair. Here are seven surprising things that are bad for your hair:  Washing Your Hair In Hot Water No, we’re not saying you should take a cold shower, but any kind of heat is not good for your hair. Washing your hair with hot water can strip your natural oils leaving your hair dry, frizzy and more prone to falling out. It’s best to wash your hair with lukewarm water, then rinse with it with cold water. Trust us, that quick cold rinse will do wonders. After you hop out of the shower, let your hair...

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5 Steps To Planning Your Next Vacation

Planning a vacation can be quite overwhelming. You’ve got to figure out where to go, outfits, activities, budgeting… I mean, where do you even start? This process should be fun and exciting, not stressful. So since our Nourage fam are quite the travelers, we’ve gathered all our tips and suggestions and broke it down step by step to help make your travel planning much easier. Step 1: Deciding your destination First things first, you’ve got to figure out where you’d like to spend your vacation, which all depends on your individual circumstances. You must ask yourself: -How much time do I have? -What is my budget? -Do I want to fly somewhere or go on a road trip? -Do I want a tropical getaway or winter wonderland?...

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Pumpkin: The Ultimate Superfood

Pumpkin pie is the iconic holiday pie, but it’s more than just a sweet treat. This winter squash can be prepped and used in so many different ways making it the ultimate superfood. Whether it’s consumed or used as a beauty mask, it supplies your body with nutrients benefitting your hair, skin, and health and keeping your body and belly nourished from the inside out. From health facts to recipes, we wanted to give you everything you need to know about pumpkin.  Hair benefits There are very few foods for hair growth and pumpkin is one of them. If there’s a way to eat your way to beautiful hair, count us in! It contains tons of nutrients like Vitamin B6,...

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5 Simple Things You Can Do To Save Our Planet

The fight against climate change seems like a daunting task, but that doesn’t mean we can’t all do our part. The smallest things really do make a difference, so here are 5 easy things you can do everyday to help our planet.  1. Conserve water Water consumption plays a huge role in conserving our planet. Reducing water consumption decreases the amount of water we take away from our lakes and rivers, which helps keep our environment clean and healthy. There are so many ways to conserve water at home, like taking shorter showers and remembering to turn the faucet off when it’s not in use. Water can also be repurposed, for example, by using the same water you use to...

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Clean Beauty: What Are You Actually Putting On Your Skin

When you think of “clean” beauty, what comes to your mind? Maybe it’s organic or natural, vegan or free of chemicals.  There is really no set definition. Since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not clearly defined "clean", the term clean beauty is really open to interpretation. That’s why we decided to do our research to determine what exactly we should be looking out for in our beauty products.   It's always overwhelming strolling down the beauty aisle. There are so many different labels that claim to be natural, organic or vegan, it can get very confusing. Buying the right products can be a big decision. I mean, we want to make sure we are putting safe products on our...

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Healing Crystals: Is It A Hoax Or Does It Really Work? 

Crystals go way back to the beginning of man time among different cultures all over the world. The Ancient Egyptians used stones like lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, emerald and clear quartz in their jewelry primarily for protection and health. The Ancient Greeks, on the other hand, used crystals in a different way. They were known for rubbing hematite all over their bodies before battle, an iron ore associated with the god of war, which purportedly made themselves invulnerable. Ancient China, South America, and New Zealand were known to praise jade, yet, each culture used it in a different way. These are just a few examples of cultures using crystals for salvation in various ways. Over time these traditions were passed on...

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How To Fight Sugar Cravings

Why do we crave sugar? Like any other bad habit, sugar comes with some side effects. Once you give into a bad habit, you raise the dopamine levels in your brain, satisfying that urge. Sugar does the same –– it gives you short-term happiness. When it fades, your, body craves that quick fix. If you stop feeding into your sugar cravings, it can result in symptoms like fatigue, depression, headaches, and muscle aches. No wonder it’s so hard to quit consuming sugar! Your brain only has so much willpower, especially when it tastes so good. How do you fight this craving?  Well first, you may want to try listening to your cravings and find the root of the cause. Your craving for sugar could be for...

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Transitioning Your Closet From Summer To Fall

It’s that time of the year again. The mornings are getting cooler and the nights are ending chilly which means it’s time to start breaking out your fall clothes. But don’t put away the summer clothes just yet. We’re going to show you how you can mix and match your summer and fall clothes while still being on-trend!  Start Layering Up  Without a doubt, the weather plays a big factor in your fall wardrobe. The start of the season can be a little unpredictable, so it’s always good to be prepared for whatever temperature comes your way. If you plan to be out past sunset, playing around with layers can save you from being too cold or too hot throughout the day.  One of...

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Intermittent Fasting: Pros and Cons of the Newest Weight-Loss Fad

It feels like diet trends are changing every day. One day we’re told to eat low-fat foods, and the next day nutrition experts are praising the keto diet. Now, people are raving about intermittent fasting, claiming that it helps you drop weight without restricting what foods you can eat. Thinking of trying it out? Keep reading for the good and the bad of intermittent fasting.  Basics Intermittent fasting involves restricting your food intake to a certain window of time each day. There are a few different methods of intermittent fasting, including fasting for 24 hours once a week and consuming only 500-600 calories twice a week. The most popular, however, is the 16/8 method, which splits each day into a...

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5 Online Workout Programs for Every Fitness Goal

Virtual workout classes are a great way to squeeze in a sweat session when you can’t make it to the gym. From yoga meditation to mixed martial arts, there are endless options for all skill levels and even the busiest of schedules. With so many options, it can be hard to know where to start. Luckily, we’ve picked 5 workout programs to help you reach your fitness goals from the comfort of your home or any location!  1. For mind and body wellness – Glo Glo offers yoga, meditation, and pilates classes online and on the Glo app. Members can choose from over a thousand videos, ranging from 5-minute flow classes to 2-hour meditations. Glo’s classes are led by the...

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