What are probiotics?
Interestingly, probiotics are live, good bacteria that already reside in your digestive tract. In fact, there are billions of these little ‘bugs’ that live comfortably in your gut, and assist with everyday digestion. Most importantly, these probiotics help maintain a strong barrier in your digestive tract, reducing inflammation, while keeping the bad stuff out and taking in the good from food.How do they improve your skin?
Studies suggest that bacterial imbalance causes intestinal permeability, commonly referred to as “Leaky Gut”- one of the leading causes of acne, rosacea and psoriasis! Poor diet choices and frequent use of antibiotics can wipe out the good bacteria in your gut, contributing to digestive issues and skin issues. To combat this, adding a probiotic supplement can help balance your gut by repairing leaky gut and reducing inflammation. Maintaining a healthy bacteria balance in your gut also improves natural skin moisture. If you struggle from dry, flaky skin, this is for you. The body naturally produces Hyaluronic Acid which controls skin hydration and elasticity. Therefore, probiotics can directly improve that process! They have a handful of other benefits, including easing depression and anxiety, regulating blood pressure, and enhancing immune function. Moreover, science continues to find new benefits to probiotics and the positive effect they have on the body.Choosing your probiotic supplement
What should you look for in a probiotic supplement? According to Dr. Neil Sadick of Sadick Dermatology, “Probiotics are fragile and can deteriorate; an ideal formulation should be packaged correctly.” Aim for opaque or glass packaging to get the most shelf life out of them. Remember, these are living organisms, so they require a more care than a typical vitamin or supplement. Another tip is to store the capsules in the refrigerator to extend shelf life and potency. Lastly, you want to look for a good variety of ‘strains’ of bacteria as well as a high count. Cleveland Clinic suggests probiotic products with at least 1 billion colony forming units, along with the genus Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium or Saccharomyces boulardii—some of the most researched strains. You can take these in addition to Nourage supplements for double duty beauty. Do you already use probiotics? We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
https://chriskresser.com/the-gut-skin-connection-how-altered-gut-function-affects-the-skin/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11525176