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Pre-Wedding Prep: Skin and Hair Treatment

Brides need to begin thinking about their beauty routine months before the wedding. We know that you want that rich, luxurious hair, bright, clear skin, and strong beautiful nails. You are only going to be able to achieve the results that you want if you take the time and begin your beauty prep as soon as possible.

Skin and Hair Treatment for Your Big Day

View our beauty guide to skin and hair treatment so that you can look absolutely stunning on your wedding day.

Skin Treatment

Planning weddings can be stressful, and this can wreak havoc on your skin, which is not a good thing when you want glowing skin on your wedding day. Follow these steps to begin planning for your skin care.

+ Schedule a Consultation with Your Esthetician

If you do not have an esthetician, now is the time to invest in one. Talk to your esthetician about your goals for your skin and body. Make sure that you learn more about the treatments they suggest and talk to them about your everyday beauty routine to see where it can be improved.

+ Keep it Hydrated

You need to be drinking about 1-2 liters of water a day. Also, moisturize your skin right after you get out of the shower. This will keep your skin hydrated and dewy, rather than dry or oily.

+ Find Healthy Ways to Relieve Stress

Whether you relieve stress by doing a home spa treatment or doing a regular workout, make sure that you find ways to keep your stress levels as low as possible. Stress can be your biggest enemy when it comes to your beauty routine.

Hair Treatment

If you want beautiful, rich locks before your wedding day, it's important to find a hair treatment regimen that works for your color and texture.

+ Talk with Your Stylist

If you want to change up your hairstyle, do it months before your wedding, not right before your wedding. You want to find a hairstyle that works well with your hair and face shape. If you do it right before the wedding, you may regret it and then be stuck with a hairstyle you don't like on your wedding day.

+ Get Regular Trims

Even if you are growing your hair out for your wedding day, it is still important that you regularly cut off any split or damaged ends.

+ Invest in Hair Products and Treatments

Find quality hair products that work well with your hair texture and color. Also, consider doing regular natural oil treatments to make sure that hair remains conditioned and nourished.

Begin Taking Skin and Hair Growth Supplements

Taking a beauty supplement such as Nouráge can help make sure that your skin, nails, and hair stay nourished and beautiful. Our beauty supplements are the perfect blend of proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants that are known to improve the health of your skin, nails, and hair. Many women begin seeing results within 30 days. After taking beauty supplements for a few months, you will be completely blown away by the effect that they have on your hair, skin, and nails.

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