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5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Wash Your Hair Every Day

Why You Should Avoid Washing Your Hair Every Day

Does your hair feel dry and brittle? Is your color fading much faster than your stylist told you it would? Is your hair always feeling flat and lifeless? There’s a good chance you’ve been washing your hair way too much.

If you’ve been in the habit of washing your hair every single time you’re in the shower, we’re here to tell you to stop it—for your own good, of course! While there’s no set guideline on how often you should wash your hair, most people can get away with washing only two or three days.

Here are five great reasons why you should consider washing your hair less frequently.  

1. You can prevent your hair from drying out too much and looking dull.

Your scalp/hair naturally produce oils for your own benefit. While this may sound a little gross, the oils actually help protect and moisturize your hair. When you brush or comb your hair, you’re distributing the oils throughout your strands, which helps avoid buildup and protects your hair.

When you wash your hair too frequently, you’re depriving your hair of these natural oils. This can dry it out, making it look dull and increasing your risk of breakage or split ends. As long as you brush your hair to keep the oils from building up on your scalp, your hair shouldn’t look greasy or oily.

2. You can keep your hair color intact longer.

The feeling you get when you walk out of the salon with freshly colored hair is hard to beat. And for a week or so, you’re probably feeling just as confident as before. But eventually, the hair color starts fading, and it’s no longer as vibrant or saturated anymore. By not washing your hair as frequently, you can help extend the life of your color and maintain that just-walked-out-of-the-salon feeling.

3. Unwashed hair can be much easier to style.

Just-washed hair can be silky, smooth, and soft. While this is great for running your fingers through, it’s not really ideal for styling. A little extra oil in your hair can help it hold a style, give it some more volume, and let you try things with your hair you wouldn’t otherwise be able to.

4. You may be able to improve the texture of your hair over time.

Overwashing your hair can prevent your hair from looking how it’s intended to look. By giving it a break and letting it breathe every couple of days, you can help restore it to its natural look and texture. This can actually make it easier to manage over time.

5. You’ll be able to save time and energy when getting ready.

Who really enjoys having to spend two hours getting ready in the morning? And most of this time is probably spent on washing, drying, and styling your hair. When you skip washing for a few days, you can sleep in, spritz a little dry shampoo in your hair, brush it, and go. Sounds like a good deal to us!

Keep your hair even healthier with hair treatment vitamins!

We’re all about finding new ways to keep our hair long, strong, healthy, and beautiful. Hair treatments like dry shampoo and deep conditioner can help you improve the look and feel of your hair from the outside.

Another great idea is to take hair treatment vitamins. Our formula, for example, is designed to help you improve your hair from the inside out. Learn more about how it works below.

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