From Within - A blog by Nourage

Simple, Delicious Spring Meal

One of my favorite things about Spring are all the delicious vegetables that become available at the market! The freshness of in-season produce make cooking a simple delicious spring meal so easy and fast. Music to your ears and your skin, nails and hair! A perfect way to slim down and beautify in preparation for summer. Let's talk about a simple, beautiful and delicious Spring Recipe. Shrimp & Green Veggie that I make in my cast iron pan and transfer right to the table for serving. In this dish I used sugar snap peas, asparagus and edamame, all sourced at my local natural foods market but you can get creative.   One Pan Spring Greens & Shrimp  Ingredients Serves 4...

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8 Healthy Antioxidant-Rich Recipes to Balance Holiday Splurging

The holidays have us indulging in shopping, decorating, and the inevitable work parties- filled with enough catering to feed the North Pole. ‘Tis the season for clean eating, antioxidant-rich recipes to even out those holiday splurges. Here are some berry-rich recipes loaded with antioxidants, and vitamins A and C, just in time to boost immunity for the winter months. 1.  Dairy-Free Blueberry Muffins For a healthy antioxidant breakfast or afternoon snack try these delicious muffins. Preheat oven to 375. Line muffin tin with baking wrappers or grease with coconut oil. Mix together ½ cup coconut milk and 1 TSP lemon juice, let sit for 5-10 min. In another bowl, whisk together 1/3 cup honey, 2 eggs, and ½ cup melted...

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