From Within - A blog by Nourage

The #1 Cause of Hair Loss May Not Be What You Think

National Hair Loss Awareness Month: Everything you need to know August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month, and while it’s nice to highlight a widespread, yet taboo subject, we know that the emotional challenges associated with hair loss last year round. When it comes to hair loss, there is a lot of misinformation floating around the internet, so here is our no-bull take on things. When talking about hair loss, most tend to think it is a male dominated issue. While there is some truth to that; men do tend to suffer from it more, women are not off the hook. Here are some of the figures. Two out of three guys will start to lose their hair by 35....

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The Beauty of Protein

The remedy to healthy hair, skin and nails  One of the best remedies for dry skin, dull hair and brittle nails might already be in your cupboards! No, it’s not another cream, powder or soap. It’s some of your favorite foods, and maybe some new ones you’ll love and that will love you back, giving you a healthy glow! We’re talking about protein! Protein is one of the three main macronutrients that make up all foods, the other two being fat and carbohydrates. Each of the three have specific and important roles in the body and protein is the foundation. Protein is the building block of ALL organs, muscles, skin and even hormones so the body needs plenty of it...

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Complete Guide to a Perfect At-Home Spa Day 

There’s no better way to relax and unwind than a day, or evening, of self care. As a matter of fact, it’s essential in order to maintain a healthy mind and body. You don’t even need to go anywhere extravagant or spend a fortune. You can have the most fabulous day of self-care right at the comfort of your own home to work in conjunction with your Nourage Supplements. So sit back, relax and read our complete guide to a perfect at-home spa day. Clean and Organize First things first, you want to get all the cleaning out of the way. You definitely don't want to worry about cleaning up while you're in the middle of pampering yourself! Make sure everything is...

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Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Your immune system works hard fighting diseases which is why it’s crucial to keep it strong and help protect your body from bacteria and viruses. The older you get the harder it becomes for your immune system to fight infections, however the simplest changes to our daily routine can make a big difference. There is no better time than now to make sure you're doing all you can to keep your body as healthy as possible in conjunction with your Nourage Supplements. Healthy Hygiene Practicing good hygiene to help boost your immune system is definitely no surprise. It’s the first line of defense is to keep germs away. Not only can you stop infection before it begins, but you can avoid spreading it to others...

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5 Tips for Stronger Nails

Weak, brittle nails can be frustrating––and even painful! We’d all love to have strong, healthy nails, but everyday activities can cause dryness and breakage. Fortunately, there are 5 easy changes you can make to support healthier, stronger nails.  1. Moisturize  Keeping your hands and cuticles moisturized is essential for maintaining healthy nails. It’s helpful to keep hand lotion readily available and apply it after washing your hands. It’s especially critical to apply lotion or cuticle oil after using drying products like acetone or hand sanitizer that contains alcohol. These products cause brittleness and breakage, but moisturizing afterwards and on a consistent basis can repair damage and nourish your nails.  2. Give your nails a break A perfect manicure looks great...

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5 Reasons Your Hair is Falling Out

Hair loss can be the result of many different factors––medical, hormonal, environmental, etc. Whatever the cause, experiencing hair loss can be scary, and it may indicate underlying medical or nutritional problems. Although hair loss is often temporary, it’s important to identify the cause in order to choose the right treatment and restore hair growth. Keep reading for 5 causes of hair loss and how to treat them! 1. Medical conditions  Medical conditions that cause hair loss include alopecia areata, which causes sudden hair loss in patches, scalp infections like ringworm, and iron-deficiency anemia. However, the most common cause is hereditary: male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness. These conditions occur with aging and result in receding hairlines in men and hair thinning...

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Surprising Things You Didn't Know Were Bad For Your Hair

There are many common mistakes people make that can stop your hair from growing as long and luscious as you'd like, some things you may not have realized are damaging to your hair. Here are seven surprising things that are bad for your hair:  Washing Your Hair In Hot Water No, we’re not saying you should take a cold shower, but any kind of heat is not good for your hair. Washing your hair with hot water can strip your natural oils leaving your hair dry, frizzy and more prone to falling out. It’s best to wash your hair with lukewarm water, then rinse with it with cold water. Trust us, that quick cold rinse will do wonders. After you hop out of the shower, let your hair...

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Pumpkin: The Ultimate Superfood

Pumpkin pie is the iconic holiday pie, but it’s more than just a sweet treat. This winter squash can be prepped and used in so many different ways making it the ultimate superfood. Whether it’s consumed or used as a beauty mask, it supplies your body with nutrients benefitting your hair, skin, and health and keeping your body and belly nourished from the inside out. From health facts to recipes, we wanted to give you everything you need to know about pumpkin.  Hair benefits There are very few foods for hair growth and pumpkin is one of them. If there’s a way to eat your way to beautiful hair, count us in! It contains tons of nutrients like Vitamin B6,...

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Clean Beauty: What Are You Actually Putting On Your Skin

When you think of “clean” beauty, what comes to your mind? Maybe it’s organic or natural, vegan or free of chemicals.  There is really no set definition. Since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not clearly defined "clean", the term clean beauty is really open to interpretation. That’s why we decided to do our research to determine what exactly we should be looking out for in our beauty products.   It's always overwhelming strolling down the beauty aisle. There are so many different labels that claim to be natural, organic or vegan, it can get very confusing. Buying the right products can be a big decision. I mean, we want to make sure we are putting safe products on our...

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How To Fight Sugar Cravings

Why do we crave sugar? Like any other bad habit, sugar comes with some side effects. Once you give into a bad habit, you raise the dopamine levels in your brain, satisfying that urge. Sugar does the same –– it gives you short-term happiness. When it fades, your, body craves that quick fix. If you stop feeding into your sugar cravings, it can result in symptoms like fatigue, depression, headaches, and muscle aches. No wonder it’s so hard to quit consuming sugar! Your brain only has so much willpower, especially when it tastes so good. How do you fight this craving?  Well first, you may want to try listening to your cravings and find the root of the cause. Your craving for sugar could be for...

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Intermittent Fasting: Pros and Cons of the Newest Weight-Loss Fad

It feels like diet trends are changing every day. One day we’re told to eat low-fat foods, and the next day nutrition experts are praising the keto diet. Now, people are raving about intermittent fasting, claiming that it helps you drop weight without restricting what foods you can eat. Thinking of trying it out? Keep reading for the good and the bad of intermittent fasting.  Basics Intermittent fasting involves restricting your food intake to a certain window of time each day. There are a few different methods of intermittent fasting, including fasting for 24 hours once a week and consuming only 500-600 calories twice a week. The most popular, however, is the 16/8 method, which splits each day into a...

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Why You Need An Armpit Detox

What is the armpit detox trend all about?  More and more consumers are becoming aware of the harmful chemicals often used in conventional deodorants. Over time, these deodorants build up chemical residue that can be detrimental to your skin and body. This is where the armpit detox comes in handy. It’s the perfect way to transition to natural deodorants as it cleanses all the toxins and buildup on your skin while canceling odor. It’s no surprise why armpit detox is such a hot topic in the world of health and beauty right now. You can either buy a pre-made detox or whip one up yourself with some ingredients you can find in your kitchen. According to Medical News Daily, the...

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Celery Juice: Is It Worth the Hype?

The celery juice craze is flooding instagram, with over 175,000 posts tagged #celeryjuice. The juice is praised as a miracle detox drink and cure-all for a wide range of health issues. The trend has taken over social media, with enthusiasts sharing posts wearing “celery juice” shirts and even feeding the drink to their dogs. Although the drink is Kardashian-approved and supported by health and wellness influencers, we did our research to find out if celery juice is really a miracle cure-all or just another trend. Keep reading to see if you should add celery juice to your diet!  How did celery juice become so popular?  The craze began with Anthony William, the so-called Medical Medium. His website claims that celery...

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Everything You Need to Know about Sun Protection and Vitamin D

We all know the dangers of too much sun exposure, but there are also risks associated with a vitamin D deficiency. We need vitamin D to strengthen our immune systems and support bone health, so you’re probably wondering… how can I protect myself from harmful UV rays and still get enough vitamin D? Keep reading to learn all there is to know about the essential “sunshine vitamin” and how to properly protect yourself from the sun.  Why do we need vitamin D?  Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption, which promotes bone strength and health. Low levels of the vitamin lead to bone pain, muscle weakness, and weakened bone structure, which increases the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis. In...

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5 Foods for Healthy Hair

Long before the days of fancy beauty treatments and hair products, healthy hair was tied to a nutritious, balanced diet. Fortunately, eating a balanced diet with nutrient-rich foods still promotes hair growth and strength, giving you healthy, thick, and shiny hair. Yes, you really can see improvements in your hair just by eating the right nutrients, so we’ve picked the 5 best foods to get your healthiest, most beautiful hair. Berries Berries are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that promote hair strength and growth. Blueberries, strawberries, and blackcurrants are loaded with vitamin C, which protects hair follicles and helps the body produce collagen. Collagen is a protein that strengthens hair strands to eliminate breakage and brittle hair. Vitamin C also...

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5 Foods for A Better Brain

When we talk about nutrition, the conversation usually lends to heart health, reducing blood pressure, gut problems and so on. Somehow, we manage to overlook the control center of all those issues—the brain! What we eat has a profound effect on our brain health and function. Maintaining a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and antioxidants, has proven to enhance memory and concentration, and even ward off dementia, which has become an overwhelming concern with aging. Here are some of the best foods to boost your brain. Leafy green vegetables There’s a reason leafy greens are always trending. One study evaluated 950 adults over the course of five years, and found that those eating leafy greens just once...

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7 Beauty Superfoods

What’s the secret to looking your most beautiful self? It's not found in your makeup bag per se, but rather in the nutritious foods you feed your body. Superfoods, in particular, are rich in nutrients that affect the way you look and most importantly, the way you feel. Now what does the term superfoods actually mean? Superfoods are whole foods that are highly dense in nutrition and typically low in calories. They contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that your body needs to thrive mentally and physically. Each element provides different nutritional values that help support certain areas of your body, like hair, skin and nails. Superfoods that beautify you: Blueberries These tiny berries contain powerful antioxidants that support healthy skin...

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Are Probiotics the Answer to Better Skin?

Did you know that the largest organ in your body actually isn’t in your body, but outside of it? That’s right, we’re talking about skin! It serves as the protective barrier from many bacterial and fungal pathogens and a wide array of physical and chemical assailants as well. Thus, your skin health and strength are critical for optimal overall health. But let’s face it, we’re usually more concerned with our complexion than the structural integrity of our skin. If you want to improve both, don’t try another face wash…try probiotics! What are probiotics? Interestingly, probiotics are live, good bacteria that already reside in your digestive tract. In fact, there are billions of these little ‘bugs’ that live comfortably in your...

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3 Beauty Benefits of Keratin

From conditioners to full treatments, keratin products are all over the market. Although they all claim to make your hair smoother and healthier, you’re probably wondering what keratin really is and how you should incorporate it into your beauty routine. We’ve got all the details, so keep reading to find out how keratin can boost your beauty from within. What is keratin? First things first, keratin is the protein that makes up your hair, skin, and nails. Keratin has both structural and protective benefits that promote strength and growth for hair, skin, and nails. When keratin is damaged, it shows up as brittle hair and rough skin. Luckily, keratin supplements can help replenish and restore any damage. 1. Increase hair...

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8 Healthy Antioxidant-Rich Recipes to Balance Holiday Splurging

The holidays have us indulging in shopping, decorating, and the inevitable work parties- filled with enough catering to feed the North Pole. ‘Tis the season for clean eating, antioxidant-rich recipes to even out those holiday splurges. Here are some berry-rich recipes loaded with antioxidants, and vitamins A and C, just in time to boost immunity for the winter months. 1.  Dairy-Free Blueberry Muffins For a healthy antioxidant breakfast or afternoon snack try these delicious muffins. Preheat oven to 375. Line muffin tin with baking wrappers or grease with coconut oil. Mix together ½ cup coconut milk and 1 TSP lemon juice, let sit for 5-10 min. In another bowl, whisk together 1/3 cup honey, 2 eggs, and ½ cup melted...

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