From Within - A blog by Nourage

Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Your immune system works hard fighting diseases which is why it’s crucial to keep it strong and help protect your body from bacteria and viruses. The older you get the harder it becomes for your immune system to fight infections, however the simplest changes to our daily routine can make a big difference. There is no better time than now to make sure you're doing all you can to keep your body as healthy as possible in conjunction with your Nourage Supplements. Healthy Hygiene Practicing good hygiene to help boost your immune system is definitely no surprise. It’s the first line of defense is to keep germs away. Not only can you stop infection before it begins, but you can avoid spreading it to others...

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5 Foods for A Better Brain

When we talk about nutrition, the conversation usually lends to heart health, reducing blood pressure, gut problems and so on. Somehow, we manage to overlook the control center of all those issues—the brain! What we eat has a profound effect on our brain health and function. Maintaining a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and antioxidants, has proven to enhance memory and concentration, and even ward off dementia, which has become an overwhelming concern with aging. Here are some of the best foods to boost your brain. Leafy green vegetables There’s a reason leafy greens are always trending. One study evaluated 950 adults over the course of five years, and found that those eating leafy greens just once...

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